
Here is a collection of tools related to 2b2t

2b2t Timeline

The 2b2t Timeline was originally created by Sato86 over many years but he quit a long time ago and so 2b2t.Group has continued to maintain his project.

We have created an interactive timeline for the web.

Click me to visit.

2b2t World information finder

This is a tool created by Negative Entropy to view and lookup data from many world downloads and years. You can find signs, void holes, banners, shulkers, echests, and spawners.

You are even able to search specific text and find coordinates of signs that contain it!

Click me to visit.

2b2t Map Viewer

This is a project created by daporkchop and his team. For more info see the YouTube page here: https://www.youtube.com/@2b2tmapping80/videos. There are many world downloads of the map you can view including the 256K one.

Click me to visit.